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What is Bronchoscopy?

Bronchoscopy is a procedure used by doctors to look at the lungs and air passages of a patient. It is done to see why there is persistent coughing, for example, to see an infection or why there is something unusual seen on a chest X-ray or test. Bronchoscopy may also be done to obtain samples of mucus or tissue or to provide treatment for lung problems by removing any blockages. Risks of bronchoscopy include minor bleeding, fever and in very rare cases a collapsed lung. 


Several days before the procedure, the doctors may ask the patient to stop taking any blood-thinning medication and to not eat or drink four-eight hours before the procedure. The procedure itself takes 30-60 minutes. A thin tube (bronchoscope) is passed through the nose or mouth, down the throat and into the lungs. The bronchoscope has a light and a very small camera at its tip which displays pictures on a monitor to help guide the doctor. Samples of tissue and fluid might be taken, the patient is not meant to feel much pain, if any at all, during the whole procedure as many measures are taken to prevent the patient from feeling any discomfort. Afterward, there will be monitoring for several hours, the throat and mouth will be numb for a few hours so nothing can be eaten or drunk to prevent liquids or solids from entering the lungs or any other airways. After the numbness wears off, water to soft foods can be eaten and drunk. There may be a mild sore throat, cough, muscle aches or hoarseness which is normal and will wear off eventually. The results will be discussed 1-3 days later and if a biopsy is done during the procedure, that will take longer. 

HospitALL provides the best lung doctors and doctors for a bronchoscopy procedure. 

Bronchoscopy In Medical Centers

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